
Monday, June 24, 2013

5 Days Post-Op

It is now 5 days after my surgery, and I am back at work (although still on some quality meds).

I took the day after surgery off, and worked the following day from home, which was a struggle, but I made it work.  I then had the weekend to look forward to, which consisted of a LOT of nothing.

I made my permanent spot on an old Lay-Z-Boy that my in-law's brought specifically for me to use during recovery.  We just got netflix (and cancelled cable), so I was zoned in on 2 shows: Out of the Wild (a group of average joes try to make it out of Venezuela alive) and Friday Night Lights (actually enjoy this show a lot more than I thought I would...thanks for the recommendation Greels).

I also quickly discovered that playing detailed video games while "under the influence" (specifically MLB: The Show) was EXTEMELY difficult.  Trying to decide whether the pitch coming was a change-up or a fastball was harder than it is in real life!

Anyways, what I'm getting at is that I was a B.U.M.  But, I'm okay with that.  I'm usually constantly busy with something, so honestly, it was kind of nice just laying around for 4 days.  The pain would come and go, and even at it's worst was very bareable...especially with Percocet :)

Now to the dirty part.  I hadn't taken a dump since Tuesday morning.  Yes, Tuesday.  So I went Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday without having a "BM".  This. Sucked.  I was taking Miralax and trying to eat a lot of fiber, which I usually do anyways, and nothing was happening.

So I bit the bullet.  I had the wife buy a 2-pack of saline enemas.  Yep.  Enemas.

I've never had one before, and 4 weeks into our marriage, I was damn sure Melissa wasn't going to be the one doing the dirty work.  So, I assumed the position, "used" the enema, and within 5 minutes I was on the toilet.

Not much happened, but enough to feel some relief, and for that, I'm putting the "Enema Experience" in the win column.

So, here I am today, 5 days post-op, feeling pretty good about everything.  Sitting in a desk chair sucks, but next to me is my trusty bottle of percocet, so all is well!

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